Learn strategies, tools, and potential opportunities for small businesses that use or need insurance that may affect liability, property, and other insurances. On this week’s free webinar, SBDC director Kelly Bearden is joined by Morgan Clayton, Founder and Chair of Tel-Tec Security to discuss the current insurance crisis in California.  


Clayton discusses his findings about how when a small business owner needs insurance, they frequently discover the insurance industry is eliminating coverage, substantially increasing costs, and reducing product options and carriers. 


Using the tools and advice found in “Risk Management Field Manual” written by SBDC consultant John Pryor, Bearden and Clayton provide strategies and potential opportunities for businesses in the commercial insurance market that may affect liability, property, and other insurances. 


Bearden begins the webinar with a small business update of current topics, relevant programs and information small business owners don’t often find from other sources.   


This marks the 319th episode of the “Webinar Wednesday” business series that provides news and information helpful to employers and business owners. 


The CSU Bakersfield Small Business Development Center provides free one-on-one consulting to help small business owners. New and existing businesses can go sign up for assistance by clicking here!

TIMESTAMPS The bold blue link below is a direct link to when Morgan Clayton begins his presentation.
00:00 Intro
00:50 What’s up today May 29, 2024
04:02 Poll Question #1 “Morgan Clayton and John Pryor share what prestigious award?”
06:30 2024 Central California Business of the Year Award Winner- Ivan and Gabriela Ayala
08:23 Economic Corner
09:55 Why Interest Rates Matter
10:52 Capital Corridor – Lines of credit, a great source of funds
12:48 Beneficial Ownership Information https://www.fincen.gov/boi
14:07 Want to Run a Home Daycare Business?
14:53 Have you received unsolicited email from SBDC offering small business loans or grants?
15:21 See what tools the SBDC has for your business
15:33 Clayton Leadership Transition Plan
16:15 Sign up for our CSUB SBDC YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@csubsbdc
16:51 Free Human Resources Hotline for Central Valley California Employers
17:29 Risk Management and Insurance – Why Costs are Increasing
20:11 Risk Management and Insurance – What Others are Saying About the “Quality Risk Management Field Book”
20:50 Quality Risk Management Field Book
21:37 Kelly introduces Morgan Clayton, Founder and Chairman of the Board for Tel-Tec Security Systems, Inc. https://www.tel-tec.com/
29:28 Morgan and Kelly discuss how Morgan’s company, Tel-Tec Security used the “Quality Risk Management Field Book” and what the results were
30:49 Morgan talks about specifics he learned from the book such as finding gaps that can expose a company to risk
47:16 Question and Answer with attendees